"The 2000's Revival"
This website will continue to focus on El gran juego de la oca, in hopes that it'll return to America in the near future. The fonts and the links will stay up as well. I will still not be available for tape trading, but hopefully I can put some game show pages on the 'net that are unlike any other out there right now. Keep checking back for updates!

NEW!!! A proposal for a revival of Remote Control!

No challenge to copyrights on, or ownerships of, any of the game shows, pictures, and/or sounds presented in this website is implied or intended.

To Email me: 1) type the word "incognito"
2) insert a 5 between the "g" and the "n"
3) at gmail dot com

Please note that this is a graphics-intensive website, and some pages may take a while to load on a 56K modem.